RX-78F00 Gundam Translation

Startup Experiment8 minutes 45 secondsJapanese is displayed alongside.

00:00:05 OperatorA RX-78F00 Gundam startup experiment is about to commence. まもなくRX-78F00 GUNDAMの起動実験を開始します。
00:00:13 OperatorA We ask all visitors to follow staff instructions and relocate to a safe place. 見学をされる方は、係員の指示に従い、安全な場所へ移動して下さい。
00:00:34 OperatorA Thirty seconds until RX-78F00 Gundam startup experiment. RX-78F00 GUNDAMの起動実験まで、あと30秒。
00:00:44 OperatorA We ask all visitors to follow staff instructions and relocate to a safe place. 見学をされる方は、係員の指示に従い、安全な場所へ移動して下さい。
00:00:56 OperatorA Ten seconds until RX-78F00 Gundam startup experiment. GUNDAMの起動実験まで、あと10秒。
00:01:13 MissionControl This is Mission Control. We will now commence RX-78F00 Gundam startup experiment. ミッションコントロールより発令、これよりRX78F00GUNDAMの起動実験を開始する!
00:01:21 OperatorA All personnel, please report to your stations. 総員、配置についてください。
00:01:23 OperatorA I repeat, all personnel, please report to your stations. 繰り返す。総員、配置についてください。
00:01:26 Pilot Cockpit hatch is now closing. コクピットハッチ、閉じます。
00:01:29 MissionControl Cockpit hatch is confirmed. コクピットハッチ、確認。
00:01:31 OperatorA Cockpit door lock secure.
00:01:34 OperatorB Mobile G-DOCK deck on standby. G-DOCK可動デッキスタンバイ。
00:01:36 OperatorB Port closure completed. ポート閉鎖完了。
00:01:38 OperatorA Release the bridge.
00:01:52 OperatorA Power system stable.
00:01:55 OperatorB No abnormalities were detected. 出力異常なし。
00:02:02 OperatorA GUNDAM, Forward to launch position.
00:02:06 MissionControl Releasing the G-launcher stopper! Gキャリアのストッパーを解除!
00:02:10 OperatorA Completed stopper release.
00:02:17 OperatorB Gundam startup preparations are complete. ガンダム起動準備完了。
00:02:26 MissionControl Mission Control to Gundam. Do you copy? ミッションコントロールからガンダムへ。ガンダム聞こえますか?
00:02:31 Pilot This is Gundam. Loud and clear. こちらガンダム。よく聞こえている。
00:02:34 MissionControl Activate the automatic attitude control system. 自動姿勢制御装置を起動させてください。
00:02:37 Pilot Roger that. Activating the automatic attitude control system. 了解。自動姿勢制御装置を起動する。
00:02:44 Pilot Gundam startup initiated! ガンダム起動!!
00:02:52 OperatorA Confirmed A.P.C. is up and running.
00:03:07 MissionControl Report your current status! 現在のステータスを報告せよ!
00:03:09 OperatorA All motors are ready and good to go.
00:03:13 OperatorB No abnormalities were found in the decelerators of both legs. 両足の減速機は異常ありません。
00:03:16 OperatorA No problems found in the waist electric cylinders.
00:03:20 OperatorB Encoder pulses are functioning normally. エンコーダーパルスは正常です。
00:03:23 OperatorA No problems found in the auxiliary brake.
00:03:27 MissionControl Are there any abnormalities in the motors' torque values? 全モーターのトルク値、異常ないか?
00:03:30 OperatorB All components of the Gundam are clear of interference. ガンダムの各部干渉はクリアです。
00:03:34 OperatorA The torque value does not exceed the limit.
00:03:37 Pilot No abnormalities were detected in either the main camera or the dual sensor. メインカメラ、デュアルセンサー、どちらとも異常なし。
00:03:43 OperatorA Proofed and transmitting.
00:03:54 OperatorA Please start testing the manipulator's operation.
00:04:03 Pilot Huh? What's going on? ん? 何だ?
00:04:04 OperatorA Code Red! This is bad! Emergency! Emergency! Code Red!大変!緊急事態!緊急事態!
00:04:07 MissionControl Gundam, maintain upright position! ガンダム、直立姿勢を維持せよ!
00:04:09 Pilot Gundam here, maintaining upright position.
Performing another system check for safety…
00:04:14 MissionControl What happened? 何が起きたんだ?
00:04:15 OperatorA The emergency protocol has been activated! 緊急プロトコルが作動しました!
00:04:18 Pilot Mission Control! I cannot control the Gundam. The original AI is moving on its own! ミッションコントロール! こちらでガンダムを制御できない。オリジナルのAIが動いている!?
00:04:24 OperatorA The automatic control system is now offline! 自動制御装置がオフライン!
00:04:26 OperatorB Abnormalities detected in the leg motors! 脚部モーターに異常値を検知!
00:04:28 OperatorA All systems are critical. The torque is dropping drastically! 全システムが危険な状態です! トルク値が急激に低下!
00:04:32 OperatorB We cannot support the entire weight under these conditions! このままでは全重量支えきれません!
00:04:34 MissionControl Initiate emergency shutdown! 緊急停止しろ!
00:04:35 OperatorA Negative! The system is not accepting commands! ダメです! システムがコマンドを受け付けません!
00:04:39 MissionControl Initiate operating system reboot! オペレーションシステムを再起動!
00:04:40 OperatorB Understood! 了解!
00:04:41 OperatorA Operating system reboot initiated. オペレーションシステムを再起動します。
00:04:54 OperatorB Gundam is completely shut down. ガンダムが完全停止!
00:04:57 OperatoBA Ten seconds until reboot. リブートまで 10秒。
00:04:59 MissionControl Gundam! A manual reboot is necessary! ガンダム! 手動による再起動が必要だ!
00:05:02 Pilot Understood. Switching to manual controls. 了解。手動に切り替える。
00:05:03 OperatorB 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… 5、4、3、2、1
00:05:12 OperatorA The central system reboot is complete! メインシステムが回復しました!
00:05:14 OperatorB Power output returning! 10… 出力が戻っていきます! 10・・・
00:05:17 OperatorA GUNDAM getting power back!
00:05:20 OperatorB 20… 20・・・
00:05:23 Pilot Let's finish this up! さっさと終わらせようぜ!
00:05:27 OperatorB 35...... 50...... 65...... 80...... 100 35...... 50...... 65...... 80...... 100
00:05:40 OperatorA Power output has returned to normal!
00:05:46 OperatorB Systems are all green. システム、オールグリーン
00:05:48 OperatorA We can restart the operation test again.
00:05:53 OperatorA The day has finally come.
00:05:56 OperatorB It's already been two years since we began this Gundam's restoration. このガンダムの復元を始めてから、もう2年ですね。
00:06:01 MissionControl There are no records left of this Gundam… このガンダムの記録は残されていないんだ...。
00:06:05 MissionControl Indeed, the original AI hasn't been restored either.
There may still be some secrets yet to be uncovered.
00:06:13 OperatorA Let's resume the Gundam startup experiment. ガンダムの起動実験をまた再開しましょう。
00:06:17 MissionControl Return to your stations immediately. 速やかに所定の位置に戻れ。
00:06:19 ALL Copy that! 了解!
00:06:52 MissionControl Starting up RX-78F00 Gundam! 機体NO.RX-78F00 GUNDAM 起動!!